Sunday, October 24, 2010


I watched one episode of GLEE, the popular series of this moment for long time ago...

And I remember one songs that very impressed me.. that Kurt wants to try to sing in high pitch as soprano. But no one thinks, he can do. So he preferred to sing 'Defy Gravity' competing with Rachel.

It makes me think about us! Why we must be afraid of our gravity? Why won't we step out some border of possible/impossible?

If we believe in ourselves as Kurt does, we won't feel regret for it for sure!

Then... MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE!! No one will bring us down!

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost

Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Money and Value in future

It's kinda strange topic to talk about both things...





Money is something to exchange for buying or selling thing basically..

Everyone are freely to waste their money to buy thing...

But...Value is the worth or meaning from what you've done...

So the same as the money you waste or buy something... Have you ever thought that what will be the value that you can get from your money? Isn't valued enough to buy?

People are usually easily willing to buy cheap thing... but the value that they will get is little or not longlasting..

They don't like to invest their a lot of money to buy thing.. Just because they think it is too expensive.. and ignoring the value what they will get..

But they will look back to the expensive one when the cheap thing aren't unefficient to use.. They said " I should buy this or that....IT'S SO MUCH BETTER!"..

It's very strange but true about it.....

We need to value what we'll get from the thing we buy...not the price we need to pay!**

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This's story about girl named 'Ping'

Hi everyone!

I'm Ping or Juliette* I'm Thai girl. Currently,I'm thirdth-year student in Assumption University or a.k.a. ABAC. I studied in business. Before joining university.. I'm in Art-French in my high school. I'm so afraid and really hate Maths. But I fight for the thing that I want to study like business.

Now...I'm a part of amazing student-run organization like AIESEC. If you have no idea about AIESEC, you can google it or visit this site

In 3 years ago, I didn't expect to join this club at all,because I don't know anything about AIESEC and afraid to be a part of serious club like this. So I didn't sign up for this club.

So how can I join this AIESEC??? Strange,right?

I join it because of my high-school friend! And you know what? The first event that I join is "National Leadership Development Seminar 2009"!! Before we are going to event... we almost don't join because of miscommunication with my friend! LOL// We've to wait for the bus to catch us up for an hour.. And we made it!
Let's continue about this event. At first, I thought it's gonna be like "Relationship Camp". BUT!!! it's not like what I thought! It's kinda serious but I enjoy it unexpectedly. I learn how to be a really good leader and so on. And Som and I made a commitment with P'Charmy accidentally to do AIESEC in one session. But we don't know how to do after that!
I must thank to my friend a lot to invite me to join AIESEC!

[from left to right: Som,Katib(green shirt),Joanne from S'pore]

And after that for a while, P'Mimp called me to join "SELECTION CAMP".. And I join it without knowing what will happen after this!! [I'm so clumsy,right?] When I arrive there... I just know that this event is for selecting us to be new committees of AIESEC in 2009. But I can feel some inspiration since last conference I joined already, so that's fine!Then my REAL AIESEC journey is starting!


And I really like to be in ICX team! At first start, I've no idea what else to do about it.. Knowing just to find some TNs in Thailand, matching EPs to work in Thailand, and reception! That's it!
For first 2-3 months.. I'm kinda lazy...demotivated a lot.. But I got some "STRANGE" motivation from Palita, my VP! Maybe cuz I'm too sensitive.. Then.. I become really motivated!
Once I did a coordinate project with China for Chinese-Thai learning project... but too bad! everything seems like have a lot of conflict. So I've to pause it. And doing other things! After that I join many company meetings to sell AIESEC. I feel so proud to be AIESECer because of this! I can meet many big people like CEO of company when I'm still young! How cool it is?

And in November! I applied to be a part of OC team for NLDS Thailand 2010!!! At first, I didn't want to apply for this OC thing. Because I know that it's difficult and I've many AIESEC things to do at that time. However, I got a part to be OC team as OC Delegates Services!!!! Woohoooo!!
I'm so glad to be this one. Because I think it's not so much different as my ICX thing..BUT it's a lil' bit wrong! One more thing to say is that OC team is just 6 people! At that time,I thought it won't work for sure... BUT I also thought it wrong!!

--- then I paused my OC works for a while and joining NLDS Singapore!

Then, my first international conference became true! After I heard from P'Charmy and many alumnus about it, I feel very curious about this so much, then I joined NLDS Singapore 2009! I went there with many AIESECers! There are Som,Meeh,P'Leng,Tai,Ung and me from LCAU and P'Fon,Mu,and 2 Mu's friends from LCCU.
Now..I can really figure it out what AIESEC really is!! We share the same atmosphere with many people from many countries without any discriminations!! How cool it is!!!! I got so many inspirations from this conference. Almost all delegates(I think), they really like Thai people so much. And we do like you all too!

In the Global Village... we just want show "RAM-THAI" traditional Thai dance only.. but one MC asked us to dance "PEEL-BANANA".. Then it becomes very popular to dance! LMAO!!
And we also teach all delegates to dance so!

the craziness of Thailand is just started!
this's my group! I really miss you all so bad!! ><

---After that conference, I've to continue my OC NLDS Thailand 2010!
I work so hard and become like busy bee all the time! But I still enjoy it! Once, I got a foreign calls from somewhere in Europe that he really wanna join our conference. I got so shocked like OMG! But too bad.. that he forgot to apply.. :'(
Before the conference starting. I got phone call like 3-4 calls per hours with different accents of English and still some Thai as usual in my 2 mobile phones!! Some of my friends thought that I became BUSINESS woman already!

I can remember the night before conference start.. I was EXTREMELY busy! /LOL/ I went to airport to pick up my fellow S'pore friends to join our conference from 6pm till 11pm! Then after send them to pre-stay place.. I've to go back to work as OC team till 3 AM. At that time.. I felt myself so blurred. Then I still have class at 9AM!! But nevermind about that! Because I'm so happy to see delegates enjoying conference! And this NLDS.. maybe it's the first ever that have around 60 international delegates and 54 local delegates!! It becomes really international conference in Thailand!!!!!! OC team are just only 6 people to manage this conference and we CAN make it happened! Thanks you all so badly.

Our BELOVED Delegates!! Then some of my NLDS S'pore friends are coming to our NLDS Thailand a lot!! Thanks to you guy!!! Really love you all..><

Then, my journey continue... as my expectation to be LCP in 2010-2011 term.. I become one of 4 LCP candidates!

But as a result... I don't get this position. At first, I feel very depressed with myself. Because I expected it a lot.. But after I got another position instead as......

Vice President of External Relations!!!

I can remember that time! I screamed like crazy! Because I NEVER expect to do this function at all! I thought if I couldn't be LCP.. I would be VPICX's not! Maybe there's something hidden in myself that my friends know it! ;)
Then I try my best to do so, because I believe that it doesn't matter what position you are, but it matters what you want to do!

Then currently, I enjoy work with my fellow ER teams [Caesar, Peanut, and Nud!]
And today..I just went to meet with Ms. Jacquie from AMADEUS! And I'm so proud of myself that I CAN REALLY MAKE IT HAPPENED! I can raise TN by myself! (Also, thank to my lovely friend..Gordia Lau!)

And I'll continue my best effort to make AIESEC in Thailand better and better and also head myself to BRIGHTER future from AIESEC!!

So do you want to take a chance to join AIESEC? It's more than just a word that you know!